Sunday, March 2, 2025

I just don't know who I am?

 I just don't know. I'm a different person now and I can't seem to figure out who I should be. Most of my "circle" does not exist anymore. I have two sons and I have to address who I am now and what I want, what they expect and "who" I should be now.

60 years old is looming and I just don't think I like that. Where did it all go? How does one man make so many mistakes at key times in his life to end up "here"? What's important now?

That's all I have for now. Well, that's not necessarily true. I have lots but is it worth putting it out there? For now, I'm going to do what I've always done. I'll bury myself in a job and hope it works itself out, knowing full well that it will NOT!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Welcome to the Jungle

I interviewed with Prime Inc. yesterday as I continue to get my life put back together. The interview went well and I am thinking I'll get an offer. We will have to cover the whole "F" thing, so that will be an adventure.
If they don't hire me, the grocery warehouse is hiring and the money is great.
Onward and upward right?

Monday, March 21, 2022

It's Been Awhile...

No, not the song by Staind either. That song itself would deserve several posts just on what it means to me.

Today's the day I officially try to rejoin society after a LONG detour Maybe I'll share some of the details of the last 3 years here and maybe I won't. It is generally painful, sometimescrushingly so, but for better or worse it's now part of who I am.

Having said that let me be recent past is not "WHO I AM" but rather a time where I faced several  challenges and have learned some important things about myself, and those around me. This period of my life is to be learned from and not simply dwelled on.

I am stronger yet more humble. I am more driven yet thankful for all that I have. Above all I am eternally grateful for the small slice of humanity that stood with me during "the troubles". FYI I stole that term from the British. Those of you to which I'm referring know who you are. Suffice it to say that I can never repay your loyalty or ever, ever thank you enough.

Today I have my first job interview in a very long time. Everyone cross your fingers. I'm moving forward. It won't be easy at times but I will not be deterred!

Stay tuned for life's next happenings in my little corner of the universe. I'll leave you with a little quote I picked up in my travels.

Semper Fi

"Don't judge my story by the chapter you walked in on."

Monday, April 23, 2018

To Dylan on his birthday...

Happy Birthday Son! I figured I would beat the rush on the eve of what is a momentous day. I could heap endless platitudes on you but I will not. I often think we stole part of your youth by urging you along the path that you took. But, when I stop to look at the man that you have become; the father that you are every minute you breath and just how many people you have impacted so deeply, I am astonished. You have accomplished so much and yet have so much ahead of you. I am proud beyond words Dylan Michael. I love you and I am so very glad you are my son. Enjoy your day... did something foolish... and know you are loved. I'll talk to you in a day or so and we'll plan a get together. Happy Birthday my boy. Dad

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Dylan, Katie, Joseph Wyatt & Greycen Alexander

To Dylan & Katie!!

We're tucked in and unpacked. I know it was short, but I had a tremendous time son. We will make it a regular thing, I promise. I know moms opinions and you look a little tired, but some of that's normal. Regardless of what anyone around you thinks, together YOU and KATIE are getting it done and raising two amazing boys. I am very proud of you and Katie and they truly are special kids. Joseph is beyond description. :). Hopefully this text finds the kids asleep and you dozing peacefully. But...maybe not. I love you and thanks to both of you for having us.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Life is good!

Big day today. Andrew is finalizing his 5th year at the University of Atkansas with the 2016 SEC Indoor Track and Field Championships on Feb. 26-27. You can read all about it here: 
2016 SEC Indoor Track and Field Championships
He has worked hard academically and athletically and has had a good run! No pun 
intended. :) I am very proud of him.

3 days ago was also the 3rd birthday of my very first grandson, Joseph Wyatt Pisechko!
I do not see him like I should and most of that is on me. I am resolved to fix that! I want to be the grandfather that I had and that my boys had with Jim Selby. So, tomorrow EARLY we ar St. Louis bound for the big party!

My sons continue to be a source or pride for me. They are the greatest contributor to keeping my demons at bay and reinforcing that I have done some things right!

It is what it is and I will keep on persevering!

Friday, November 20, 2015

To Stephen on the birth of Brody

Congrats my friend. Today is a great day and a new beginning. It is on this day that a man gets to "right the wrongs" and "start over". We cannot change who our parents were or who we were before this day, no matter how much we want to. However, you are now 500% in charge of the "type" of  parent you choose to be. Be assured,  your actions and words will most certainly mold the young man that Brody will become.
Take a breath and take it in. Kiss your wife and baby. Savor the moment!
We will handle your business like it was ours. I will see to it. :)